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What is my art about?

If anyone has told you that “you’d gain nothing with your head always up in the clouds,” I am here to say otherwise. The foundation of my process is based on bringing to life the ideas and imaginations residing in those “clouds.” Whether it’s to zone out during difficult situations, a boring lecture, or simply because your brain wishes to do so, daydreaming is something we all do. I have literally looked out of my mom’s car windows and let my mind go wherever it pleases for the whole drive. Especially in times like now, a place of tranquility from our current chaotic reality is a great place to visit even if it is just in one’s mind. It is an exploration of imagination in which our minds play god and combine the social perceptions of what is real and what is not. 

As someone with an attention span that is considered, by social norms, deficient, the world of my imagination is vivid and interconnected to my sense of reality. It is highly important to me that my work attempts to convey that sense of imagination as much as possible. I have found that utilizing multiple senses is effective in constructing new realities. Though touch is not a sense that people might usually experience in daydreams, it does pull the audience more into a tangible world. I use fabric as a medium in order to evoke a sense of touch through looking, and also encourage my audience to interact with materials, such as yarn and fur, in order to experience the soft and calming texture. My ceramic and wire based works suggest to the audience something that is rigid and strong in a 

structural sense. Sound offers more possibility to influence perception as it is an important factor in most movies, tv shows, and performances. Since daydreams to me are considered a performance in one’s mind, including an aspect of live performance in my work seems fitting. The purpose of video as a part of my works is to bring a temporal quality to the narrative. Fiction turns into reality in eyes of the audience, and I wish to do the same for my “clouds.” This constructed realty also connects with my interest in Surrealism. In my piece titled "Lawn Patches”, I place fake patches of grass on top of real grass to blur the lines between what is real and what is simulated. 

Daydreaming very much affects my reality, and with current reality affected by the current pandemic, reality has taken a turn for the surreal, which has inspired me to further deepen the surreal world in my work. However, unlike the pandemic, I hope to bring a sense of calm and happiness. Through this surreal world, it is my goal to encourage others to tap into their imaginations as well and, during this time of isolation, to grab people’s attention away from the stresses of this world and provide some sense of sanity in a different world.

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